Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Whopping weather 21 March 2007

Its a warm day isn't it? I'm sweating buckets here. Can't stand the humidity. It is on days like these that you'll feel like living in a self-subsistent fantasy world under-water. Clear and fresh, unpolluted water that is.

Speaking of which I can use a relaxing beach sanctuary now. That however is non-existent here on our sunny island home. C'mon be realistic, for all the world-class 'this' and 'thats' we proud Singaporeans boast to have here, surely we can't be proud and contented with the finest Singapore can offer right? I mean Sentosa? East Coast Park? You decide.

Cloudy days, bumming at home yet again. Funny though, it seems whenever I have the urge to go out there to mingle with the rest of humanity or at the very least get a tan, I'll get out of bed, only to be greeted by grey skies. Premonitions from a greater being or pure coincidence. Just another example for Murphy's Law I guess. You know the one that goes "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong".

Guess I'll have to keep myself busy and not to mention useful at home, as like for the past 1 month and 21 days (Yes, it has been that long). But first, I can use a cold shower......

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