Thursday, December 20, 2007

7 Days After.....

Last night, I met up with some of my long time buddies. People whom I had not seen for a good 3 months or more. So much has happened in each of our lives. Taking different turns and towards different destinations although some seem to be heading towards a similar looking horizon.

Eugene's getting ROM-ed in about 2 weeks time and already has a flat in renovation. So does Hong Liang (aka Jesper) who has managed to be amongst the lucky 300 out of some 5000 hopefuls applying for a flat in Sengkang/Punggol region. Foong has popped the Golden Question to June and they're getting hitched too. Yong has a new beau from the Philipines and Foo's still leading his bohemian-like lifestyle though I may not be all too sure if it was a matter of choice.

I have been immersed in work as like I have grown so accustomed to. Heeding the advice of many perhaps, to put my career ahead of all else at this moment since there's not much else left. Had a craving a cold beer and was hoping a concoction of work and it can offer a worthy opiate to tide me through these times. Well I had my beer last night, 2 Heinekens to be exact but its still as you were to this point. Life goes on and there's a LONG Holiday weekend ahead to worry about. Grrrrr.....

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