Monday, March 26, 2007

Late night with Uncle Ronald (Macdonald)

Not so long ago, during one of my oh so frequent late night gatherings with my buddies at Macdonald's, my gf and I noticed that other than the usual crowd who also uses the 24hr premise for their 'la kopi' sessions as well, there seem to be small pockets of people, alone and tapping away on their notebooks. I wondered if the offer of free Wi-Fi services can be so attractive. Can't these people do their surfing in the confines of their comfortable homes rather than in the hustle and bustle within a fast-food restaurant? Maybe there is another reason behind this behaviour. But it was the least of my concerns, I have other more important issues in my life right now to give a damn about these people I suppose.

Right now, as I let my fingers do the talking, its already 1130pm and I am at Macdonald's Kovan. I have joined the club. The club for the seemingly 'homeless' people busy on their coms in the middle of the night. Maybe we all face a common problem. As the chinese saying goes, 家家有本难念的经 (every household has their own set of problems).

It is here we find solace, sanctuary from our critics. Where it offers a peace of mind for our own thoughts. The irony is, despite the crowd that surrounds you, privacy is in abundance because no one will be bothered with what you are doing on your com. You are free to celebrate your own individuality unless you decide to run amok that is. ^_^

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