Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Another Wednesday, Another Day

First and foremost, happy holidays peeps, Buddhist or not regardless. In any case you still haven't realize it (just like moi until a short while ago), tomorrow is Vesak Day, a public holiday. Having been slacking and loafing for the longest time, I seem to have lost my bearing. I know the working people have always been staring into their calendars for such days in hope that miraculously, somehow this action (or inaction if you consider the act of staring blankly results in no motion what so ever) can actually bring forward the holiday for some much needed respite and away from that office, away from some devil we call boss and the shit-load of work they burden upon our already much laden shoulders.

Everyone and anyone seem to be out or have something to do tonight. At least it seems on the surface for me. Celest has a sleep over with her long time pals, my buddies have their own commitments, so any idea of using this as an opportunity for a catch-up has to be shelved. This leaves me to be all alone for tonight, in the confines of my room and in my private thoughts.

Suddenly it struck me, or maybe I should say I have been struck again as this is not the first time. I'll be 27 this September and the free-spirited, happy-go-lucky teen of the yester years seem a distant memory. In his place, a sullen figure, apprehensive of the journey ahead, weary of his mortality, draped in layers of responsibilities. That just about sums up about being an adult right, isn't it?

I can really use a good beer tonight, but guess not. Maybe I should go for a run, that'll be nice, if I can ignore the puzzled stares from wondering bystanders who'll probably brand me a “weirdo” or a “loser” among other superlatives or adjectives. But then again, who would bother? Just let me be, with my trusty mp3 player for a sidekick as we head down the little-lit roads in search for our very own sanctuary. Happy holidays once again.

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