Wednesday, May 16, 2007

For the pass few days.....

Let's do it the old NBA-rewind style (for those who watched NBA highlights on TV12 during teen years....ROFL)

(Friday 11th May 2007)
On the 100th day of loafing, I actually had an interview. I won't go into detail on the nature of work or company but well, I suppose its something I can really put my assets to good use. Not my ass (in case you people have your thoughts straying). I shan't brag about what I think my forte is, I'll leave it to your other imaginations *wink wink*.

Anyway, the location is really appealing, should I get the job that is. Right smack at Ngee Ann City, the prime district of Orchard Road! Other than the packed public transport and the premium-priced lunch/dinner to contend with, I really do fancy working there,...motivated till late even.
went, it's really not in my hands. Now, all I can do is play the waiting game.....

(Saturday 12th May 2007)
As for how the interview

Didn't do much seriously, stayed home all day. caught the Golden State Warriors set Oakland, California alight once again by making the Utah Jazz sing the blues with a thoroughly deserved victory. I wanted to go jogging at East Coast but you know the weather has been there to literally dampen my spirits(rain again).

Went out window-shopping with Celest at Suntec City, one of our favourite haunts during weekends. Browsing at Carrefour and had my ears bombarded by the Durian guy (again). After which we popped by Jackson's for supper after rounding Lavender food market in vain for a parking lot. Times like these, I really wished there was ever instantaneous multi-storey parking or my car can just *poof* into a capsule just like in those Dragonball comics. Then they will store conveniently in my pocket and I can say good riddance to over-priced motor insurance and parking charges forever. Wouldn't it be nice?

(Sunday 13 May 2007)
It's Mother's Day!

The whole family took a short trip to Chinatown Point for lunch. We were hoping to have it at Mouth Kitchen where the previous year's mother's day lunch was. But, because no one actually made reservations, its either a 30min wait on empty stomachs or a reasonable compromise. My mum, who's decision is all important for the day of course is not one who has patience in abundance. Guess you know where I got my genes from, haha. Thank goodness she doesn't use the pc or the internet for that matter, I would be decapitated for that. So lunch was at Tayaka's(I think). Not an authentic Japanese restaurant but the irony lies in the fact that the service staff were predominantly made of Chinese! Not Singaporean Chinese but PRC Chinese. Imagine placing your order and hearing the waitress repeat "Katsu Don" with a thick PRC accent. That was almost worth the lunch price itself for entertainment but had I let it out loud, I would have had a good laugh but still nothing to top-up my fuel tank. How far has globalisation brought us. 60+ years ago, the Jappos were invading China and now, the Chinese are peddling Jappo food.

After lunch exercise, we walked around Chinatown to visit tour agencies. We're not planning for a holiday but for more solemn issues. My 2nd uncle(someone whom I have never met before) who resides in our ancestral lands of An Xi, China is ailing. His son, my cousin(also someone I have never met before) has made calls to my father asking if he would like to pay my uncle a visit. Not one who would deny his half-brother for what maybe perceived as a death wish, has decided to respond in kind. Thus we were enquiring about air ticket prices to the capital of all proud Hokkiens, Xiamen. Its fascinating, the vibrant display of uniform colours of competing agencies. You got blue, neon pink, lime green, etc..... can be really blinding. Anyway, My father will be accompanied by my brother and they have set the trip to be this coming weekend. I won't be in tow, gotta stay to wait for phone calls.... or should I say hoping for phone calls.

(Monday May 14th 2007)
Mostly lethargic......
Met up with Wee Jin who had popped up in Hougang for coffee and not so tasty pasta for dinner. I continued teasing him about getting a Sri Lankan mail-order bride as a birthday gift from his mom(yes I'm bad, real mean..... go on with the superlatives). Picked up from him the french equivalent for Agent Cockroach is actually Le Agent Cafard. "Les" which I had always been using for "Les Roach" actually means plural! Time for a title change again? Hmmm, how does this sound, Memoirs of Le Agent Cafard.... think I'll stick to my current title and pseudonym. The bonus story is a dark secret about someone of which I shan't divulge. *wink wink*

(Tusday May 15th 2007)
Home all day(again). Did the gst thingy for my dad, uncle and moi. Celest tried to do it but the loading time was really slow. Guess my fellow Lion City Dwellers are trying to log in en masse to cash in on a deluded perception of windfall. This is but a small chunk of which is going to be ripped out of our pockets eventually in reality. Oh yes, we should be grateful that our GST is lower than most developed nations' VAP tax. For those magmanimous enough, you can even take our Prime Minister's lead(donating his salary increment to worthy causes) and donate your share to charity if you don't really need it. Mind boggling isn't it? I'll spare you the political satire for now cause it probably won't be well received here(at home) anyway.

PS: Why am I wide awake at this unearthly hour? Damn! I thought I could sleep earlier. I actually did at 10pm, only to be wide awake again at about 1.30pm with my visitor's pass to Zzzz-Land torn up once again. When will I ever get free access in the depths of the night when I need it most!?!?!?

With that, peace be with my friends and their families. d^_*b

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