Wednesday, May 23, 2007

When The World Gets In Your Face......

As the headline speaks, what are you going to do about it? There are good days as there are bad ones, the only variable being the frequency of occurrence differs between each individual.

Don't you hate those seemingly Mr/Ms "Know-it-alls" along with the Mr/Ms "One-Uppers"? How their presence and uncanny ability to show up in the most unwelcomed of circumstances in your life? Has no one ever impressed upon them the virtue of humility and empathy? What do they hope to achieve by projecting others to be perennial failures. Does it feed that unsatiable appetite of pride by pouring scorn upon others?

Problem is us humans are as such, we are the victims of own accomplishments and endeavours. More often than not, when we perceive ourselves to have attained some lofty level of success and the brag in us is unwittingly unleashed. We can never see it ourselves, only the ones around us can sense or see this much despised creature's emergence.

Everyone and I do mean everyone resents being put down in one way or the other. No one likes their bad fortunes and misadventures being brought up and placed under the magnifying glass as fuel for coffee table scrutiny, much less to the regularity comparable to the level of daily ritualistic diligence. So often the anguish and irritation generated threatens to boil over and bring about your very own barrage of abuse in response or outcry in protest......But the problem remains and you would be ironically labelled as a brute beyond reason. Yet the answer to such outburst is no rocket science but lies in each of us.

Next time, let us take time and think before we speak, for the ability to rationalise and thought is what truely makes us sentient beings. For those immersed in a realm of frustration and the proverbial cage of despair, take a deep breath and say it out loud, "Have a nice day". You owe it to yourself though it offers scant solace.

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