Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Almost Getting My Dual-PRship......

Is there such a word or term in the first place, dual-PRship(*bleah*), If you're a PR at some place, how can you be a PR at another? Doesn't seem quite right to be seen as a fixture in 2 locations at a time, not unless I can pull off some feat. or illusion ala some other famous "David"s (Copperfield)......

Anyway, I seemed to have assimilated seamlessly into my office environment, be it as part of the furniture or some organic lifeform attached to that furniture. Spending near 12 hours each day within such air-conditioned confines, wild imaginations of roots starting to grow and embed myself to the ground just might turn out in reality or so I have figured. Almost deranged.....almost

On the home-front, "Mount Vesuvius" has just erupted. I'm not referring to "him" but moi. Being dormant for so long, somehow I felt my existence has been taken for granted. There is only this much a man hold back, an overly extended sequence would probably result in a violent implosion. The talk now is futil for I have "walked the walk". I unleashed my wrath not to hurt but to be heard. To express the need, my need to have my individuality and my rights as a sentient person recognised.

The aftermath was clear, I took a literal step, right out of my comfy bedroom to mingle and to soak in the vibrant ambience admidst the cultural settings of a fastfood outlet, providing mini insights into the fascinating modern world with a happy meal......

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