Saturday, June 2, 2007

Saturday, Me, Myself and I

Saturday afternoon......3pm

I had just signed up for free basic Wi-Fi usage of "Wireless@SG", you know, that facility that's installed in some major shopping areas for hassle-free access to broadband services within the premises. Here I am, at KFC, Heartland Mall, sharing my experience with it.....

No difficulties as yet( touch wood), I have ditched my usual hideout at Macs, Kovan since it can't offer me the free "Wi-Fi" services that I sought after temporarily. In case anyone is wondering what the hell am I doing in KFC, on a saturday afternoon, leeching free internet services, don't I have better things to do, or better places to be in? Why can't I be at home to do my stuff, whatever that is. I can answer with a simple statement, "when the going gets tough, the tough gets going", Amen.

Last night I had just met up with some of the guys (Cai Foo, CY, Brian aka Yuyi, Foong & gf, June) at Grapevine along Upper Serangoon road to chill out and catch up on each other's endeavours lately, the usual adult topics of work, socialising avenues (for Cai Foo only *wink*) and NO HDB (that's a change). I had my first taste of beer in a long time, Heineken to be exact, refreshing as ever, as always....ahhhhhh.

Anyway, my saturday lunch comprised of an oriental salad and a medium pepsi. Being alone, bored and grouchy all day, I observed the human traffic around me. Isn't it funny how youngsters and some times adults who behave like youngsters seem to assume that the people around them will actually take up responsibility and actual pay keep vigil over their belongings? I mean have you not witnessed before acts such as people actually leaving behind their bags, phones or whatsoevers behind just to "book" or as some of us call it "chop" the table just to ensure they have a seat while they queue to order. More often than not, their seats are out of their sights and they didn't even bother telling the patrons at the neighbouring tables to "do them a favour". Such people are simply oblivious to the fact that honest people though are in existence but are not exactly in abundance. All that is needed is one person to succumb to his greed and commit an act of thievery and all said will be history. You can sulk, you can cry, you can complain till Mary's little lambs come home but what are the chances of recovering your stuff? Trust in the local authorities is not an excuse for ignorance, lack of ownership and responsibility.

A simple instance speaking volumes in all walks of life. Let us not take things or people forgranted. Let us consider the consequence of our actions, weigh out possibilities in case of failures because remorse is no aspirin to relieve the pain of lost. Funny as I type away, some guy just DID IT. He left his bag behind, unattended and he seems non-chalant about it....geez

Saturday didn't start well, even the radio is playing "November Rain" by GNR right now. As the lyrics goes..."Everybody needs some time on their own..." Anyway "Nothing lasts forever, even cold november rain...." I hope the rest of my weekend will pan out nicely. Have fun with yours my friends, I'll try to make the most of mine. Cheers..... btw, THE GUY has yet to return.....geez

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