Monday on Recount.....7th January 2008
Hmmm, all seemed typical of a monday at work in the morning and even up till lunch time. There was no signs or warnings that shows the slightest hints or prelude to what was about to happen later in the evening. Speculations were mounting from mid-day as RH left the office hastily.
By evening, it was announced that RH had left us. The true reason behind if was left wide open to all forms of speculation to fill in the blanks, not that the management bothered or gave the least hoot about it. The conspiracy theorists will have a field day or perhaps an extended holiday season till the hysteria and sceptism dies down.....eventually
As for me, being's all about taking it in my stride as the matter was completely out of my powers and beyond my intervention. But I'm not allowed to take up the role of the innocent bystander. I have been assigned to pick up where RB has left off and take over stewardship of my team. I have been barely keeping my head above water and now I'm suppose to mastermind the success for a collective group?
Come to think of it, having just made it past the half year mark and now this, this rapid rise to possible prominence seems all too familiar a story littered across my life. Only this time, I won't want to be that short burst sprinter but rather to go on and last the distance.
Now onto my primary agenda for the ponder my next move, for this is my time....i'm referring to the night of course, i work best at night....not?