Wednesday, January 2, 2008

02 January 2008

Highlight of the day..... Eugene's officially hitched (its his ROM-day) Guess another one bites the dust.....just kidding, you have all my well wishes and blessings for this heavenly made union.
There's a chalet organised by Euz for the occasion and some of the guys are spending the night over before the BBQ tomorrow.

Me? I'm home, not here nor there. Undecided and restless, unable to come to consensus with myself on what to do on this wednesday night. I'm still feeling the effects of a prolonged holiday season. Let's see, what are my options.....

1) Join the guys at Downtown East Chalet but gotta shuffle back for work tomorrow ( I forgot to apply for leave tomorrow ....... my bad)
2) Scurry my way to "chook" and be the uninvited wingman for Yuyi (aka Brian or Bryan, the way he prefers to be known) for what I believe will likely be an ill-fated mis-adventure for him.
3) Stay home and hope I can get to sleep....EARLY (Which life experiences tell me, its near impossible)

Choices, Choices, Choices.....2008 has started just as the way 2007 ended for me, everything at work and life remains at its most monotonous best. Pity the children who are still wishing they'll grow up sooner and realise its a vicious cycle, coz Adults hope to relive their childhood or at least some amongst never grew the least bit.....boys will be boys yah?

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