Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back Again.....

The last time I left, apparently not so long ago, I had signed out and tried to make my way home. Though it has been raining, I decided to meet the challenge head on! Funny as it seems, the ruling powers of the skies has actually noted my aversity and resentment towards their frequent attempts to dampen my spirits. The rain poured relentlessly, stopping me in my tracks, stone cold yet again. Cursed I did then, cursed I did once more.

I derived with 3 options to take there on.
1) Buy an umbrella from the convenience store round the corner, 7-11
2) Brave the rain and get an early free cold shower before bedtime
3) Get back to macdonald's, take a bite and chill till the time when the rain decides to subside.

Doesn't take genius to realise which option was taken as of now. Option 1 was feasible except 7-11 ran out of brollies at just about the best time. Talk about things going wrong when it just does not have to. Option 2 would be ludicrous, not unless I want to visit my namesake( in case u haven't heard, my GP shares my name) and keep him alive.

Therefore, having spared my monies from being spent on an additional umbrella probably not needed after this, I used it for a sinful night snack to prevent my tummy from rumbling and adding to the list of misery. Now its all about the waiting game, how am I ever going to grab a shut eye is the biggest question mark hanging over my head......urghhhhhh

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