Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Caught In The Rain.....

An insight into my world right now, I am still at Mac, my newly adopted "thinking" room. Yes, even at this so very unearthly hour. In any case, should any of my readers (though however few of you there is) managed to figure out the post timing and the prevailing conditions at this point in time, you would have realised its raining now......so why the hell am I doing in a fast-food haven and not in the comfort of my standard sized yet cozy mattress?

Keeping up with me over these turbulent months that went by, its not hard to notice I actually HATE THE RAIN. In whatever shape and sizes, the nimbostratus' and cumulonimbus' seem to track me like a heat seeker zero-ed in for the kill. They never fail to show up during the least needed of times, trying to wreck my days. At the least on the bright side, I dun have some pointy haircut as an excuse for a lightning rod to invite more misery upon myself.

My maiden voyage in search of my promised land has been anything but smooth sailling thus far. The proverbial ocean though supposedly is filled with oysters to be uncovered does have its fair share of ferocious winds threatening to snap my sails in half, baneful waves edging closer to drown my ambitions. My life seems so caught up in the midst of a torrential downpour, a violent thunderstorm even. So many things happening, so little time for decisions, so many decisions to make, so muddled up I am.

Nothing seems to be going right. Not that its all going wrong but it could have been a hell of alot better than the present of course. I'm running so low on energy lately but still searching for my true calling in life, the one very element where I'll thrive and take flight and distant myself away these troubled waters that has got me so muddled up. I'm down to my last tank of fuel, it is you who has kept me going and sustaining that believe that not all hope is lost.

How I long for a compass to find my bearing en route to my Eden or should I remain and maintain my faith and belief, that this is but a passing shower. Beyond the silver lining, I bring with me hope and leave none for myself. But will this reckless adamanacy prove to be at my own peril and the foundations for my own fall. I digress.....An insight into my world at this moment, I am still at Mac, my newly adopted "thinking" space. Yes, even at this so very unearthly hour. In any case, should any of my readers (though however few of you there is) managed to figure out the post timing and the prevailing weather conditions at this point in time, you would have realised its raining now......so why the hell am I doing in a fast-food haven and not in the comfort of my standard sized yet cozy mattress?

HAving kept up with me over these turbulent months that went by, its not hard to notice I actually HATE THE RAIN. In whatever shape and sizes, those nimbostratus' and cumulonimbus' seem to track me like a heat seeker zero-ed in for the kill. They never fail to show up during the least needed of times, trying to wreck my day. Look on the bright side, at least I dun have some pointy haircut as an excuse for a lightning rod to invite more misery upon myself.

My maiden voyage in search of my promised land has been anything but smooth thus far. The proverbial ocean though supposedly is filled with oysters to be uncovered does have its fair share of ferocious winds threatening to snap my sails in half, baneful waves edging closer to drown my ambitions. My life seems so caught up in the midst of a torrential downpour, a violent thunderstorm even. So many things happening, so little time for decisions, so many decisions to make, so muddled up I am.

Nothing seems to be going right. Not that its all going wrong but it could have been a hell of alot better than the present of course. I'm running so low on energy lately but still searching for my true calling in life, the one very element where I'll thrive and take flight and distance myself away from these troubled waters that has got me all shaken up. I'm down to my last tank of fuel, it is you who has kept me going and sustaining that belief that not all hope is lost.

How I long for a compass to find my bearing en route to my Eden or should I remain and maintain my faith that this is but a passing shower. Beyond the silver lining, I bring with me, hope and leave none for myself. But will this reckless adamanay prove to be at my own peril and the foundations for my own fall. I digress.............

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