Tuesday, May 8, 2007

70kg and none the lesser.....

I went running......

In fact, I have been running almost every other day. This isn't quite an attempt to establish a fitness regime but more for that relief which the 20 minutes seem to bring. Something which I acquired during my many visits to our local university campus quite a while ago. Much like smoking or drinking except this doesn’t hurt your pocket or your health if you do it right. However, the effects are the same. It's just a temporary aspirin and doesn't quite solve your problems.

For all that exercise I've been doing these few months, one thing though remains inexplicably unchanged. My weight has remained indifferent to my best efforts and mellowed dietary habits. To think that just under a decade ago, I was actually 14kg below my current stat! Amazing isn't it, if only the weight increase can translate to an equal upward push for my height, I'll be really content with it is an under-statement. Anyway what has gone wrong? What did I do or maybe not have done. Perhaps it's a good mix of both, attributing to the lifestyle that I have since called time on in search of a fresh start.

Don't you think I have tons of lost time to make up for, considering that I sold my youth way earlier than most. Taking the road less traveled has its merits and of course a fair share of adversities and distractions. Getting lost in the woods or falling into a ditch is a common problem but getting out of it requires far more character then a compass to re-orientate oneself. So many never quite did recover from it.

Having taken the leap of faith, it has been baby steps ever since despite my dogged attempts to find that elusive second wind to kick start my quest for salvation. Soldiering on with the right mentality seems the best approach but the mind can be such a consuming influence if infested with the wrong thoughts.

Maybe in due course, I can gather enough momentum but time will definitely not be in my corner. Mid year beckons and with it, thousands of competitors won't be far behind. Its still early to be throwing in towel, not just yet. Neither have I given up hope on the self-restoration process I'm putting myself through both physically and mentally. After 8 years of mind retardation, its alot of work cut out.

In the meantime, I'll just have to keep on running......

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