Saturday, May 5, 2007

Seeing the big picture....

The weekend is here again......

A welcomed respite from the daily hustle and bustle. Stating the obvious isn't it. Everyone treasures their weekend, its probably the first thing to pop up your mind in office as soon as you step into it not? On the contrary, I can really use such a timeout too, except I actually want to be part of that helter-skelter pursuit for dough. Anyway forget me and my gloom to the doom attitude, I wish all my friends a happy and enjoyable weekend.

As an aspiring job-seeker, I'm no stranger to the “recruit” section of the Saturday Straits Times, job webbies like and the recent Ever wondered why each prospective organization searching for some extra hands always seem to sign off the same way. The usual “only short-listed candidates will be notified” and “attach a recent photograph”. I can understand the former acts to streamline a selection process but I can't say the same for the latter to be considered a needful.

Why would they need my picture? Does it really paint a thousand words? Does it save an interview and will I land myself a one way ticket up the proverbial corporate ladder had I looked like Brad Pitt. “Dream On!” would have been the unanimous response I'll get from the selection panel I bet. Im so sure of it I'll wager my very last dollar on it. Alright, I won't put my last dollar to a game of probability. Besides, such blatant language will be deemed simply unprofessional and they can't be so superficial right?

Let's face it, the world is a full of Shallow Hal(s). If the successful applicant is required to meet clients like for the instance of a sales job or some form of customer service, good looks perhaps will score the all important first points en-route to the clinching that customer's attention, the rest can be decided by your real capabilities.

Well, you can look like Woody Allen, boasting an intellect, an IQ of a rocket scientist and articulate to the point of throwing the fictitiuos tobacco lobbyist Nick Naylor (Character from a movie, Thank You For Smoking, it's a great movie) to shame. You can tout your product all day along Orchard Road and maybe, just maybe you might get a handful of curious passerbys who might give a hoot about you just for the freebies. Do I come across as a true cynic? I think I do but that's a harsh reality we are all guilty of. But what if you're not supposed to be a front-line personnel? Then it makes no cow sense at all, much to ponder upon indeed.

Profiling purposes some may say. If the mere submission of your curriculum vitae doesn't even guarantee you a courtesy reply of rejection via the impersonal modern day electronic avenue, I certainly don't see how it'll warrant the effort to upkeep such records, the infinite list of “nearly there(s)”.

Perhaps some office HR or Admin executive wants to spot the next average John Doe who just might strike out as the next up and coming phenom of the entertainment industry. Grasping your personal protrait akin to holding a lottery ticket in anticipation of that jackpot draw date for a quick buck. Next time I just might throw a complimentary autograph. What are the odds......

I can go on and on bitching but don't let me bore you now, go out there and enjoy your weekend!

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