Saturday, June 2, 2007

My New Haircut.....

OMG.... its my 3rd post for the day. I'm actually binge blogging

Anyway, I just got my hair done, in preparation for monday. Well, I haven't actually recorded this down and shared but anyway, in case you haven't heard, I've got a job. So this whole personal grooming thingy is forced by circumstance rather than my own will. I had always preferred that grunge look, but come monday, I'll have to lose my stubble and moustache (Damn it!). Hopefully its a temporary problem, not that it will not grow out ever again, or am I hoping to lose this job to once again plunge myself back into the abyss of unemployment. More like I'm silently longing that my new working environment is one which won't be quite bothered with my penchant for keeping facial hair. I mean I keeping them doesn't quite equate to be sloppy cause it takes effort to groom and keep them tidy actually. Sort of like a controlled mess...heez In the meantime, I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

Well, I browsed through the hairstyle catalogue at the salon and selected this one out of the whole range

No points for guessing why I took a shine for this hairstyle. Maybe its because the model happen to sport an almost exact replica of my own moustache and stubble combination. Sort of gave me a better indication of how it might look on me I think. I've got no "after" picture right now, not because I'm hideous with it but more like I'm too lazy to apply clay or gel to give it a proper look after a shower right now.

Somewhere near the centre of the island, my JC council-mates (I don't know if that's a good terminology for it) are meeting up for dinner. I'm still home, not exactly preparing yet cause I'm not really that vain, more known to be one who perpetually dresses down (or is giving someone a dressing down). I just had a hearty home-cooked meal and probably late as ever. Definitely not a desirable trait.

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