Thursday, November 15, 2007


My eleventh hour assignment that is. I have a meeting at 8.30am later (OMG! about 6 hours?) and I just got to know (after work hours that is) that I had to give a short presentation some....erm.... stuff to the rest of my colleagues.

Well I suppose I can step into the conference room and deliver one my trademark impromptu-style briefings and be done with it. Or I can actually prepare some material yes? I'm not giving a lecture on complex concepts or some rocket science formula but I suppose giving out handouts are just about as basic as it can be. The catch however, is I have nothing to hand out in the first place. Well at least that was 2 hours back....*grin*

Wait a minute, did I just contradict myself? Simple stuff....2 hours (?!?!?!) of toil in the dead of the night? Well actually, I procrastinated (as always). I had time to watch TV and actually fine-tune my blog's format before deciding well, I got to take a different approach for tomorrow's meeting. A welcomed change perhaps and lets hope this can bring a positive twist what may turnout to be yet another mundane routine week in week out.

So much to talk about, so little I can talk least for now.

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