Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Blogging about my day in the midst of this unearthly hour yet again. This is fast becoming a habitual affair, one I think I should live without considering that I'm still trying to assimilated myself into the normal 9 to 5 crowd. Perhaps the problem lies with the fact that I don't really start at 9 nor do I end at 5 either.

19th November, my mummy dearest's birthday..... I got home real early for change and bought a little cake for her. When I said little, I really do mean little coz I know my mum won't want us to spend too much though I do believe that her actual sentiments are never reflected in her words. By no means is she being sarcastic or anything of that sort but instead she just wants the best for us as always and leaves none for herself. Back to the cake.....it's coffee, just the way she would want it. When I brought it home, I can tell she's happy, real happy that we remembered and I'm glad I brought her some joy. It was a simple gathering which I felt thoroughly happy about.

Straight after dinner, I bounced out of the house to search of a hairdresser. I figured a fresh look can really work some wonders into my otherwise mundane daily routine. What's wrong with us Hougang-ers? Why can't we get a decent haircut after 8pm? Every salon I had walked pass from the ones in my neighbourhood to Kovan are closed for the day, except for Jean Yip, Kimage and some wannabe Stylo-Mylo Jappo looking salon in Heartland Mall trying to pull off premium pricing. I for one never believed in paying for grossly over-priced hair work when I can get the same job done for half that amount and still have change for value meal upsized. Call me cheapskate, mock me for my tastelessness, detest for act or should I say inaction to put premium salon houses out of business.....

Eventually I had to settle for EC-House 10 minute express cut for "people on the move". Quite a welcomed notion for me, don't you think. Besides that's the only feasible alternative since everything else would mean getting it done only tomorrow. I went back to an old look, one which I had adopted before. Something real short, very different from my recent few. Initially I had wanted it closer to the look Justin Timberlake or Rob Thomas look but perhaps not. I can't take chances, if it turns out to be a disaster, I can just about throw in the towel and surrender for my current job requires me to at the very least look presentable.

And so it begins, as I walk back from Kovan, ramaging through whatever that's left from the once bushy and thick crop I do hope that all the past unpleasants are left behind and march onward ones more with renewed vigour, sincerely hoping this will not be another false dawn for I have always flattered to deceive.

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