Monday, November 19, 2007

Thoughts at 1am on a Monday Morning

Its late by the standards of an average person. I should be well tucked into bed and heading into the rhapsody of lala-land. But its kinda early for me, considering I woke up at a whopping 3pm earlier which translates to me being awake for less than 11 hours!

However, I really should grab some shut-eye since I, just like the rest of the world need to be at work in another 7 hours time. But I can't seem to convince myself to......Something has to change but where and how can I begin?

A friend whom I have not heard from in a long to sms-ed me last night, relating some story illustrating there's a bright side to everything and good things could be so near to us, as long as we reach out for it.... Here's a news flash, some stories are nice to hear, a timely yet constant reminder of the facts of life we all already know but hardly applicable in reality in my opinion. Nonetheless, it was a simple act which echoed in significance. I thank you for your thoughtful message, be it a mass-forwarded copy or a personal one, it is sincerely heart felt by this bloke on the other side of the line.

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