Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Somber November(s)

There's something about the 11th month of the Gregorian Calendar that never fails to get to me. I'm almost certain that the stars seem to go into an alignment to invoke streaks of melancholy in me. So much so that perhaps it might just consume me in due time. I'll even dedicate and declare this month in honour of "Murphy" (Think about his famous law cum proverb) if its in my power ever to do so. Thank goodness this only lasts for 30 days each year......

As you may have already heard, the current resident song on my blog is the famous rock ballad by (one of my all-time favourite) rock group which by no coincidence has something to do with this month. Its always an apt reflection of the many inner struggles I go through. Everybody needs sometime, on their own....don't you know you need sometime, on your own.....
Listening to it seems to transcend time, taking me back to the many little episodes of my life associated with this month, spanning some 10 years.....

Such is the power of music, from the rhythms to the lyrics, there's always a song for an occasion, for us to find identity with. Musicians probably make excellent politicians with their ability to stir and evoke emotions. At least their words make more sense than some of the latter we know.

3 days and counting, let what had been be nothing but a passing shower but not a prelude to a torrential downpour......

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