Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Weekend in Retrospect

Well, yet another one that went by. In fact, it flew by so fast, it gives you that niggling feeling that you're wasting your life away.....

On friday night, I met up with Darrell and Bernard in AMK hub for dinner and some TCSS catching up. Considering I haven't met Bern for the longest time (some 5-6 years) I think, our session actually stretched into the wee hours of the next morning before we decided to head home since public transport has resumed service. The usual nostalgic topics of college life and how each of us are getting on and of course, Bern has extended an invitation to his gathering on Monday to welcome and usher in the new year.

Other than that, I probably can sum up the rest of the week with this expression"Zzzzzzzz". I'm running on empty recently, void of hope and imagination. Perhaps its better not to have any, then the despair of disappointment will no longer haunt you. A lesson learned maybe.....

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